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Join the LYNX Team


Currently, LYNX is a one-person organization, but it intends to grow, so take a chance on something new, challenging, and exciting.


You will need to document all of your work since it will be open source unless safety is a concern. Providing video documentation or tutorials would be even more appreciated.



Thank you! We’ll be in touch.

Python (Kivy) developers 


The existing GUI of LYNXapp has significant room for improvement. In order to elevate it to the next level, proficiency in general Python and the Kivy module will be necessary.​

Arduino developers 


Experienced individuals with knowledge of Arduino and ESP32 are needed. The objective is to address bugs and incorporate new features into the project.

Game developers


The primary aim is to create practice games that help users become accustomed to the key placement and the alphabet layout. The initial focus will be on developing simple web games, followed by the creation of standalone/offline games.

Rust developers


The future LYNX projects will be developed in Rust. The following skills will be needed:

  • Embedded Systems development

  • GUI development

  • Web development

  • Game development

PCB designers


In the next generation of cat, PCBs will be included to simplify the build process. Therefore, people with knowledge of industry standards and best practices in PCB design are needed.

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